Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics.
Proverbio dell'U.S. Army.
Una volta di più questo proverbio dimostra tutta la sua importanza.
“At first there will be increased
slaughter—increased slaughter on so terrible a scale as to render it
impossible to push the battle to a decisive issue. . . .
Then, instead of a war fought out to the bitter end in a series of
decisive battles,
we shall have to substitute a long period of
continually increasing strain upon the resources of the combatants. . . .
That is the future of war—not fighting but famine, not
the slaying of men but the bankruptcy of nations and the break-up of the
whole social organization.”
—Jean de Bloch, Is War Now Impossible? The Future of War in Its Technical, Economic and Political Relations, 1899
Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics.
Proverbio dell'U.S. Army.
Una volta di più questo proverbio dimostra tutta la sua importanza.
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